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Genetics of sexual dysfunction in women

Sexual problems are often influenced by a variety of factors. One of them is the genetic predisposition. In this series of studies, we examine to what extent various sexual problems such as hyposexual desire or the inability to have an orgasm have a genetic basis and which specific polymorphisms are involved.

Nutrition and sexual function in women

Recent microbiome-wide association studies in large population cohorts have found associations between the gut microbiome and various diseases and disorders. These include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety disorders, depression and hormonal imbalances.  Many of these factors also influence sexuality, suggesting that the stomach microbiome also affects sexuality. We want to get to the bottom of this in this study.


Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems in men.


  • But what does "premature" even mean?

  • And is it really about the duration or the number of "thrusts"?

  • And is it actually the short duration of sexual intercourse that puts a strain on the partner, or are there other circumstances (such as too much focus on the "not wanting to ejaculate to early")?

  • And what treatment options are currently available and to what extent do they actually bring relief?

Postcoital Dysphoria

Some people feel sadness and show symptoms of upset after otherwise satisfying sexual activity. This phenomenon is called postcoital dysphoria
(Postcoital Dysphoria, PCD).

The aim of our series of studies on PCD is to learn more about the prevalence, gender distribution and underlying etiology. In addition, we are involved in the development of a standardized and validated data collection tool that will enable the collection of transculturally comparable data.

Image by Claudia Wolff

Peyronie's disease: Equivalent in women?

The aim of the study is to investigate whether fibroproliferative changes similar to IPP in men also occur in women. If so, whether and how they impair their sexual functioning and ability to have an orgasm. 

This multi-centre project started in mid-2019 and we are still looking for interested collaborators (mainly gynaecologists and hand surgeons).

Risk and resilience factors for chronic pain in endometriosis patients

Many women who suffer from endometriosis experience an unsuccessful treatment regimen and it is not uncommon for pain to become chronic even after removal of the endometrioma.

This not only has a negative effect on personal quality of life, but often also puts a strain on the sex life and, accordingly, on the partnership. In this longitudinal study, we examine various biopsychosocial risk and resilience factors involved in pain chronification.

Frau in den Schmerz
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